3 villages completed!   


Village III: Hayat

(project completed)

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Smile Younited in a nutshell 

An NGO expert à size human !


With 13 years of humanitarian experience under their belts, the members of Smile Younited have a wealth of expertise in humanitarian aid in the field, which they have chosen to put at the service of concrete, effective and lasting help for refugees.


Well versed in the field and its particularities, and convinced that humanitarian work must adapt to the specific context in which it operates, they wanted to develop a human-scale organization capable of carrying out actions that make a difference in the short, medium and long term for the targeted beneficiaries.


Our two-pronged action: humanitarian aid and development aid!


The work of our NGO has a single objective: to respond to the real needs encountered in the field, which can be divided into categories of action.

The first: emergency humanitarian aid. Today, millions of civilians still fear for their survival, living without access to drinking water, without the ability to feed themselves, in sanitary and material insecurity, all year round, in every season... The aim of our work here is to address the urgency and gravity of the situation in which they find themselves, and enable them to survive each day in the conditions they face.

Second: development aid. Convinced that the ultimate aim of humanitarian work is to bring about lasting improvements in living conditions, many of our actions in the field are part of this process of rebuilding many aspects of people's lives. Rehousing of camp inhabitants, permanent access to education, construction of wells, support for the disabled and their reintegration into social and professional life, (re)launching of professional activities and return to employment: rebuilding for a new lease of life!


Smile Younited: a humanitarian NGO diversified, sustainable and transparent !

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